Are you interested in one of our bachelor's or master's degree programs?

We supervise a bachelor's degree program - Food and Nutrition Science -
and four master's degree programs - Nutritional Sciences, Molecular Food Technology, Agricultural and Food Economics (AFECO) and Food Chemistry (state examination) - wheras the AFECO is a program offered in English.

If you are still undecided or have any questions, please feel free to contact us in the following ways:

  • E-Mail:
  • Instagram: fs_elw_bonn
  • Long evening of study advice:

When? on the 13.06.2024 fom 5-8 pm

Where? Forecourt Hörsaalzentrum, Campus Poppelsdorf, Bonn

What? At the Student Advisory Long Evening you have the opportunity to find out about the university's various study programs and clarify your questions. There you will meet professors and employees of the university as well as student representatives who can tell you about the course in general, but also about the specific course of study, who will be happy to give you various tips and answer all your questions as best they can. So you have the chance to get information and tips in a direct conversation! We welcome everyone who stops by!

You can find the links to the official websites of the individual study programs here:

Food and Nutrition Science (B.Sc.)

Nutritional Science (M.Sc.)

Molecular Food Technology (M.Sc.)

Agricultural and Food Economics (M.Sc)

Food Chemistry (state examination)

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